
Le Roi Arthur Hotel

Le Roi Arthur Hotel

Located at the heart of an exceptional domain, on lake shore, near hole n°1 of a Golf course and at the edge of the legendary woods of Broceliande, le Roi Arthur offers design and bright rooms of high standing in a calm and soothing environnement.

Le Roi Arthur Hotel has 46 rooms, all offering an exceptional sight. On one side : the Golf, the freshness of its green grass and the continuous ball of the golfers's swings, and on the other side : the Lake, its splendid sunsets and the birds dance. The large bays and balconies of the rooms enable our hosts to enjoy fully the amazing setting of the hotel.
Several categories of rooms made of : refined decoration style, luminous colors, equipped with a quality bed linen and design furnitures, offer you a suitable comfort for resting and relaxing.
Living Room of the Spa Hotel of the Roi Arthur Hotel in Brittany

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